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Why should I go to a demonstration?

Why bother to go to a demonstration? 


A demonstration is not a cooking lesson or some cosy cooking club.  You don't have to be a brilliant or even a particularly keen cook to come to a demonstration.  


The aim of a demonstration is to give you the confidence to enjoy cooking on your cast iron cooker.


I would never presume to teach anyone to cook at a demonstration - the purpose of the demonstration is to help you to get the most from your cast iron cooker.  


I will dispel many of the myths about cooking on cast iron - yes, you can bake a cake in a two oven Aga! Yes, you can stir fry! Yes, you can grill! No, you don't have to live off stew for the rest of your life.



At a demonstration: 


  • You will learn lots of cooking techniques, many of which have been developed in the past few years and may come as a surprise if you have not been to a demonstration lately.

  • You will learn how to make the most economical use of your cast iron cooker.

  • You will learn how to make the most efficient use of your cast iron cooker.

  • You will learn the principles of how a cast iron cooker works.

  • You will learn how to manage the heat in your traditional Aga.

  • You will learn why you need to use specific pans and tins - not because I want to sell them to you, but because they will help you to get the best from your cooker.  

  • You will learn why you don't need certain pans, for example a wok or special paella pan.

  • You will have the opportunity to ask any cooking question you like and get an unbiased, independent and honest answer based on my many years of experience, cooking on most of the Esses, Agas and Rayburns in the ranges, and using all the fuel sources available.  Sometimes this is a really, really honest answer!

  • I won't try to sell you anything.  

  • You will take home a collection of recipes that you have seen cooked and can trust to work on your own cooker.

  • Finally, you will learn to relax, chuck things into the oven and let the cooker do what it does best - cook brilliantly.



If you have had an oil or gas Esse, Aga or Rayburn for years and upgrade to the new generation of 21st century cookers, you will learn the different approach to the modern cookers - they are exactly the same as the old ones in many ways, yet completely different in others!  A bit like changing from a PC to a MAC, the basic workings are the same but the new format may take a little getting used to - seeing a demonstration will make this change far easier for you.


Book a place at a demonstration in my house, either on a group day or a private lesson, or book me to come to your house.

© 2020 Sarah Whitaker

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